Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Three Rivers Fishing Report: All About Govt Efficiency....but shhh, it's a secret.

Three Rivers Fishing Report: All About Govt Efficiency....but shhh, it's a secret. We've been hearing about this committee for quite some time and each time I read about it I am confused about the justification for keeping its findings from the public.
The blog's author wonders if a leak to the press might come from a staffer. I don't care for that to happen.

Lead the whole darn thing -- warts and all. Open up the floodgates to ever converstation, all the minutes, all the phone logs, all the notes.

Ravenstahl and Onorato feel as if there is no debt for them to pay to the public. What they 'owe' is our (taxpayers) to pay. Pittsburgh always acts with interested parties in meeting behind closed doors. That is what I call our lingering 'smokey city legacy.'

The best thing to do to improving government efficiency is to turn the lights on. Shine a bright light into every corner and crack in our dealings, acts, people and meetings/commissions.

Of course public folks should be given prompt access to everything, including Advisory Committee's work. We shouldn't even need to ask as the data should be on the internet, warts and all.

They also might want to consider institutionalizing such an Advisory Committee to maintain a consistent source of well-reasoned recommendations for the city and county for administrations to come.
Don't hold your breath.

Just never vote for them again.

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